Pomoce demonstracyjne

Pomoce dydaktyczne po polsku ze strony: http://www.numicon.edu.pl/do_pobrania
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Czy potrafisz?
Jakich kształtów Numicon użyjesz, aby pokazać...?
Czy możesz policzyć po...?
Kształty tworzące 10 dają razem 100
Dodawanie i odejmowanie
Dopełnianie do 10

Darmowe pomoce demonstracyjne, w języku angielskim pochodzące ze strony Numicon: 
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Numicon Maths Shapes

Each of the Numicon Shapes (actual size), Numerals and Number words for 1-10.
Each of the Numicon Shapes, (large as possible on A4) Numerals and Number words for 1-10.
Each of the Numicon Shapes as large as possible on A4 (no numerals and number words)

Card with Numicon Shapes, Numerals and Number words. From 0 to 21

Pattern and Sequence

Times tables 2-10 set out on 100 squares so children can see the patterns.

Images of collection of object arranged randomly and in Numicon Patterns.

Images of Tens and Units frames with shapes in each side and questions ask children which numbers are displayed.

Card with the words 'Which Numbers are odd, which Numbers are even.

Card with the words 'Which Shapes are odd, which shapes are even.

Encourage children to try some simple activities using Numicon Shapes and Pegs.

0-1000 Number Line.

Counting in Groups, odd numbers even number.

Even, with the Numicon Shapes, Numerals and Number words for 1-10.

2 pages of counting for each 2s, 5s and 10s. Includes display wording for: Can you count in.../...twos/...fives/...tens.


Image of the pan balance and questions to prompt children to think about equivalence.

Photos and templates for basic data handling activities.

Cards with the words 'Can you use Numicon to make these numbers?' 2-10.

Cards with the words 'can you find all the ways to make...?' 2-10.

Cards with the words 'can you count in.....2's?' 2-10.

Show the take away structure of subtraction.

100 Square made up from the number bonds of 10.

Examples of Counting in groups of 3,5,7 and 4,6,8. Includes display wording for Counting in Groups, odd numbers even number.

All of the Number Bond combinations for 10.

3 pages of Additon and Subtraction calculations. Includes display wording for: Add/Subtract/Addition/Sutraction.

2 pages of 10 more or 10 less calculations. Includes display wording for: Can you find.../...10 more/...10 less.